Volunteer Facilitator since 2021

Batonica has been volunteering with Erin's House since 2021 and always has a smile on her face. Here's what she has to say about her time at Erin's House and some of her favorite parts about being a volunteer facilitator:
1) Why do you volunteer at Erin’s House?
Knowing that I am making an impact on the kids’ lives and helping them during tough times is why I volunteer. It’s been an amazing experience seeing how all age groups process grief differently.
2) What’s your favorite part about volunteering?
My favorite part about volunteering is supporting the kids' needs, allowing them to talk things out, and connecting with them to ensure they know they are not alone during a hard time.
3) What have you learned while being here at Erin’s House?
Personally, I’ve learned that grief just doesn't go away. It is okay to have moments when you're sad, angry, or confused about someone who died, even if it has been two years or ten years. Time heals differently for everyone.
4) What is your favorite room at Erin’s House?
The quiet room is my favorite Erin's House room because it allows us to slow down and for the kids to have deeper connections with each other. Also, this space allows us to remain quiet for a moment without needing to speak.
5) Lastly, do you have a favorite Erin’s House memory?
The bubbles activity is my favorite because we all form together in one big circle, and the families go around telling everyone their names and the person who had died. Afterward, we blew our bubbles that had our dissolvable paper with a personal message to our loved ones.
If you feel motivated to walk alongside children and teens on their grief journeys as a volunteer group facilitator, we invite you to fill out a volunteer application. Please don’t hesitate to contact Ellen Roemke, Director of Volunteers, if you have any additional questions: Ellen@ErinsHouse.org or 260.423.2466.