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Likes & Loves Painting Fun — Healing Heart Activity | Home Edition

This activity is intended to bring your family together to talk about the things that you Like & Love about the person who died and about your family now.

Likes & Loves Painting Fun

What you'll need:

  • Canvas or paper

  • Paper to make heart stencil

  • Paint

  • Cotton balls, q-tips, paper towels, or just use your fingers 😊

  • Marker

  1. Create a heart on a separate piece of paper. Cut out the heart and tape it to your canvas or other piece of paper you plan to paint on.

  2. Using cotton balls (or whatever vessel you chose), dip in paint and start blotting onto the canvas/paper. While you are doing this, your family can be sharing memories, people, things, or experiences that they like and love. Try to share something for each "blot" made on your canvas/paper.

  3. Once your painting is completed, you can remove the heart that is taped onto the canvas/paper. Within that unpainted heart, write some of those things your shared or what you love most. You could also write the name of your person who died in the center. Remember - each painting blot represents what you like and love about your person and your family.

Talking Points:

  • I am wondering what is one thing that you really liked that our family has done since our person died?

  • Is there something that you really liked that we did to honor our person who died?

  • I am wondering what you would like to do better now to honor our person who died?

  • What memory do you LOVE the most about our person?

  • What is one thing that you LOVE to do the most when you think we are not looking or notice?

If your family isn’t ready or wanting to go too deep during this project — THAT IS OKAY 😊 Take the time to just converse about what you really like and love to do, eat, sing, etc! The main idea is to be intentional and engage with your family about things you like and love.

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 Erin's House for Grieving Children in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Grief Support, Peer Support for Youth.

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Erin's House is to provide support for children, teens, and their families who have experienced a death.

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